Eskdale Junior School
Uniform at Eskdale Junior School
School uniform is an important part of pupils being recognised and proud to be an ‘Eskdaler’.
In addition to this, we believe that school uniform has an important part in the following:
- Promoting the ethos and values of school
- Providing a sense of belonging and identity (an Eskdaler)
- Acting as a social leveller, reducing bullying and peer pressure to wear fashionable, expensive items
- Setting an appropriate tone for education
When setting expectations for uniform, we ensure that cost is taken account of, making uniform affordable. To keep cost down, we ensure that school ‘branded’ items are kept to a minimum.
Please see below three documents that provide more information about the school uniform and our expectations:
- A quick reference single sheet summary detailing our uniform expectations
- A single sheet summary of the support that we can provide for parents regarding uniform
- The school’s uniform policy-a more detailed document about uniform.