Eskdale Junior School
School session times are :
Morning school begins: 8.55am
Lunch: 12.10pm
Afternoon school begins: 1.10pm
Afternoon school ends: 3.25pm
Regular and consistent attendance is essential in ensuring that pupils make good progress.
At Eskdale Junior School we are committed to creating and maintaining a culture through our school’s core values where excellent attendance for all pupils is something that both parents/carers, school and pupils will want to aim for at all times.
High achievement and improvement to outcomes for all pupils is rooted in excellent attendance. Attending school regularly and punctually will allow pupils to be able to take full advantage of the variety of opportunities available to them at Eskdale.
Children who miss school frequently can fall behind with their work, do less well in exams and can struggle socially by not mixing regularly with their peers.
It is for this reason that we set an aspirational target of 97% attendance for all pupils whilst at the same time ensuring that attendance should not fall below 95%.
To support pupils, parents and carers aiming as high as possible with school attendance the two documents below outline our expectations. One is our school policy and the other is a single page quick reference for parent and carers which is a condensed version of our school policy.
We are committed to aiming for the highest possible standards of attendance for all pupils and recognise the value of working in partnership with parents, carers and our pupils.
If parent/carers have any questions about any of the information detailed in either our school policy or single page attendance summary, please feel free to contact school on 0115 9179272 or email mail@eskdale.notts.sch.uk
Thank in advance for your support.
Mr Scruton
Leave of Absence Requests
‘…headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless there are exceptional circumstances.’
Amendments to school attendance regulations
September 1st 2013
Eskdale School will consider every application individually, its policy is NOT to grant leave of absence requests other than in exceptional circumstances. Time off school for family holidays is not a right. An application must be made in writing, using the school’s documentation with accompanying appropriate evidence, at least 4 weeks in advance of the intended absence dates.
Parents must understand that sending their children to school every day is a legal requirement and good attendance and punctuality prior to a leave of absence request is not a permission for a leave of absence request to be authorised.