Eskdale Junior School
Welcome to the Governors' Section
Who Are We?
We come from a variety of different backgrounds, with a range of experiences. Working together, we try to make sure that the school provides the best quality education possible, to help all of our children achieve their potential.
We are:
Parent Governors (voted for by parents)
Community Governors (representing the diversity of the local community and school)
Local Authority Governors (appointed by the Local Authority)
Staff Governors (voted for by the school staff)
Co-opted Governors (to fill a need identified by other governors)
The Head Teacher is also on the governing body.
Our Chair of governors is John Allum (jallum@eskdale.notts.sch.uk)
What Do Eskdale’s Governors Do?
As well as supporting the head teacher and staff, the governors challenge decisions by gathering views, asking questions and discussing what’s best for the children and the school.
Governors each have their own particular responsibilities, e.g. a curriculum area, or a whole school theme which has been identified for development.
All classes in the school have their own ‘linked’ governor.
Every governor makes structured monitoring visits, plus informal supportive visits to the school, during each term. These help us to form a view of how things are going.
We all meet together, at least once a term, to review standards.
In addition, governors can belong to 1 or 2 subcommittees, depending upon their preferences and strengths; these committees are: Pupils and Personnel/Strategic Development and Finance and General Purposes.
Why Do We Have School Governors?
A governing body’s main role is to help raise school standards.
The Core Strategic Functions of a school’s governing body are:
- ·ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- ·holding the Head Teacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- ·overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent
- are accountable for the performance of the school to parents and the wider community.
- review and help in planning the school’s future direction
- promote effective ways of teaching and learning when setting up and monitoring the school’s aims and policies
- make decisions on the school’s budget and staffing, including the performance management policy
- select the head teacher
- are responsible for appointing and dismissing staff
- decide how the school can encourage pupils’ spiritual, moral and cultural development
- make sure the school provides for all pupils, including those with special needs
- hear appeals and grievances
- approve policy on the school’s curriculum and collective worship
- confirm standards for pupils’ behaviour and discipline
- make sure school buildings are welcoming and safe
Finance and General Purposes Committee (F&GP)
To formulate, for the approval of the Governing Body, strategies and policies for the effective management and control of the financial affairs of the School, including arrangements for accounting and auditing; to oversee asset and property management; to determine the staff complement. The F&GP sets, manages and reviews the School Budget. The committee monitors and evaluates financial procedures in line with current guidelines and best practice. It also has an overview of the school’s health and safety priorities, the school fund and the school inventory. It reviews pay and conditions as well as appraisal.
Pupils, Personnel and Strategic Development Committee (P&P)
The P&P monitors curriculum policy and scrutinises school outcomes data. The committee monitors and evaluates pupil welfare, including Child Protection and SEND and Pupil performance/progression. The committee also contributes to school improvement planning and reviews the progress of annually-set priorities. The committee also approves staffing structures for academic years.